20 years of collective action

December 2021
Dear Friends,
I am writing this from Dubai, where we are here at the invitation of Dubai Cares for the RewirEd Summit, a global showcase of transformative educational technology initiatives that is taking place alongside the rescheduled-due-to-covid Expo 2020 Dubai (also better known to many as the “World’s Fair”). I am honored to be here with our NetHope Member organizations - Mercy Corps and War Child Holland – with whom we’ve formed an EdTech Collective, a coalition committed to working together to meet the needs of youth on-the-move.

At the Summit, we were invited to present an experiment we had developed as part of RewirEd Provocations, an initiative supported by Dubai Cares that aims to catalyze action towards an envisioned better future in education. Our experiment – EdTech Collective Action Framework - centers on rewiring education for youth on-the-move by rewiring how we collaborate. I am delighted to share that out of 11 experiments developed by the global leaders in education and humanitarian response (e.g., Big Change, UNHCR), our experiment was selected to receive seed funding by Dubai Cares. To learn more about this work and how you can get involved, I invite you to review this blog post.

At the Summit, we also joined the key global stakeholders in connectivity for education to launch the Rewired Global Declaration on Connectivity for Education. The Declaration led by UNESCO and Dubai Cares and steered by an advisory group, proposes normative principles to steer digital transformation of education.

The EdTech Collective Action Framework is a vital example of a NetHope-facilitated field-oriented project. We have been working with Members for some time to develop, refine, and qualify an educational technology project that is greater than the sum of our organizational parts, and that project has attracted the attention of international funders and others. It is an example of the demand in this community to work collectively to achieve things that no one of us might be able to achieve alone, and it helpfully aligns with the increasing requirements of international funders that global NGOs work more closely in coalition. The EdTech Collective holds the potential to guide the development of innovative and sustainable solutions and programs that meet education needs of youth on-the-move, first in East Africa, and eventually elsewhere as well, and it holds the potential for NetHope to help steward coalition level-funding flows to participating Member NGOs. In addition to providing services to help the Membership be better at its IT and digital leadership game, it is the kind of project that was discussed at length at last month’s 20th Anniversary Summit and that we are hearing more and more interest in from across the Membership.

As a community we wind down another challenging year here in 2021. The work we do has never been more critical, particularly as many situations in which we work and to which we respond are not getting immediately better. NetHope remains your partner in making sure that you and your people have what you need in the realm of digital, data and partnerships to cross that last mile or kilometer in helping the people and places you serve. We are looking forward to building on the momentum coming out of a successful 20th Anniversary Summit to start 2022 off on a strong footing. Please continue to tell us how we can help you do what you must do to be effective, and please work with us on opportunities for all of us to make a bigger difference as a group. Meeting global challenges requires more than individual responses, whether those are with the upskilling of your people to support frontline work, or whether that is all of us together working programmatically for greater impact.

We at NetHope wish you and all of yours light and joy for the end of 2021 holidays. Come to us with your ideas so we can all find the ways of working better together in the new year.

Warmly and in peace,

Lance Pierce, CEO, NetHope



Rewiring education for youth on-the-move by rewiring how we collaborate


NetHope is proud to support the Connectivity Declaration launched at the RewirEd Summit in Dubai. Developed by UNESCO with the support of Dubai Cares, it proposes normative principles to steer the digital transformation of education. 


The NetHope Community turns 20!


“Looking back over twenty years of the collective impact that the NetHope Community has had on our world is mind blowing. It’s impossible to summarize even one of those years, so we have put together a retrospective for everyone to enjoy and learn from. Please share this widely with your colleagues and anyone who is curious about adding their efforts to our community.” – Lance Pierce


NetHope Collective Impact Fund Launched!


CEO, Lance Pierce launched the fund at NetHope’s 20th Anniversary Summit. “I am excited to launch a Fund that is mobilizing the collective action of a great many impact-driven NGOs, technology companies and funders. These organizations know that together, we can create bigger, more sustainable change for people and planet.” 


Today, over 1 billion people still lack proof of identity


 … This puts them at risk of being invisible to those who can help them access essential services and support including food, housing, healthcare, education, and finance. Digital identity is inevitable. How we design it and use it is up to us. The time is now to get it right for the individuals and our society. Find out why nonprofits have a growing need for digital service delivery.




NetHope announces Strategic Alignment Initiative for the 2030 SDGs, publishes meta-analysis of 50+ nonprofit’s strategies

NetHope's Center for the Digital Nonprofit sponsors have enabled NetHope’s Strategic Alignment Initiative for the 2030 SDGs. Working with humanitarian stakeholders around the world, NetHope set forth to develop a strategic landscape assessment.
NetHope completes cybersecurity compliance assessment of a majority of Members

In the wake of the recent, multiple attacks on USAID and other U.S. government agencies, it’s clear that NGOs and the data they hold are increasingly attractive to those wishing to do harm. To that end, NetHope just completed an assessment of a majority of its Members in regard to their compliance with the cybersecurity controls as set out by the Center for Internet Security (CIS).




Register or watch:


Machine Learning in Mapping and Spatial Analysis


This session with Netherlands Red Cross 510, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, and Catholic Relief Services focuses on examples of how machine learning was used to provide impact in mapping and improve the science of 'where.'


New tools for poverty alleviation & social protection from Data for Good at Meta


Join us Dec 21 when Laura McGorman & Alex Pompe from Data For Good at Meta (formerly Data for Good at Facebook) discuss the new Relative Wealth Index, a series of #AI powered poverty maps for low & middle–income countries, for the expansion of social protection programs around the world.




AI Ethics toolkit part 1: fairness and bias


Start tackling ethical questions around using AI in your nonprofit.


The One Skill You Need to Succeed in the Remote-First Workplace

The first installment of the Virtual Facilitation Guide for Nonprofits, provide remote experiences that put people first.

Digital skills for a global workforce


Develop and implement digital skills frameworks and standards.




Become a Member


Conservation and humanitarian efforts have more impact when they are empowered by data and technology. Join the NetHope Membership to unlock and accelerate this catalyst for your organization.


Partner with us

NetHope partners work with our Members, the world’s most effective impact organizations, to solve some of the toughest conservation and humanitarian challenges. Please support the NetHope community and accelerate positive impact for our planet its people!

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