VNET September Newsletter

September Newsletter | 2021
Hello {"ANONYMIZED":"2023-04-26"},
Now is the time to upgrade your legacy phone system!

Have you recently received a letter from your phone system vendor indicating they are no longer supporting your company’s phone system? Is your organization struggling to find a solution to support the telecommunications needs of your remote workers?

As the regions largest telecommunications service provider, VNET can help. Contact our team today to schedule an assessment of your needs. As a Switchvox Gold Partner and Microsoft Teams Certified Provider, we can develop a communications solution that will meet the current and future needs of your organization.
-The VNET Team

Windows 11 is coming. Are you ready?


With the release of Windows 11 right around the corner, it's a good idea to consider what hardware you need to make sure you're running the latest OS.

Microsoft has provided a nice breakdown of the requirements that are helpful if you want to buy new hardware today (linked below), and if you're looking to update an existing PC, they have an app you can run that will give you the feedback you need. As always, if your business needs help with hardware procurement, or Microsoft licensing, give us a call at (814) 833-9111!

A New Address is Coming

Over the remainder of 2021, we will be implementing a shorter domain name, VNET.US, where we currently use VELOCITYNETWORK.NET. Our goal is to make it easier for you and the team at VNET who frequently type this long 19 character string for email, authentication, and website links.

In this age of bad actors on the internet, we feel that we must let you know that when you begin to see the VNET.US domain name in a link, for example, in this email, it is a legitimate address from your trusted MSP, VNET.

We'll update you as we progress!


Congratulations to VNET Newsletter subscriber Sue D. who was selected at random after submitting the correct answer from last month's trivia question. The correct answer was RealNetworks and PhilipsThanks to everyone who emailed in a response!


Share about your experience with VNET


Whether VNET has been your technology solutions provider for one year or 31, we'd love to hear how we're doing. It's as easy as clicking here and giving us a star rating. For extra credit, leave us a short comment.


If you're really pleased with the service your business receives from VNET, we'd love to shoot a testimonial video with you that we can share on social media. It's a great way to support us, and it allows us to highlight your business to our customers throughout Erie County and beyond.


Contact us at


Microsoft 365 Tip


Need to quickly verify a word or phrase, check a fact, or search for context? Stay focused on your work by using Smart Lookup. Smart Lookup allows you to find the info you need instantly.

First, enable the Smart Lookup feature:

Click Tell me at the top of the screen and type in Smart Lookup.

Now you can select a word or phrase, right-click, and choose Smart Lookup.

VNET   Contest 
Follow us on LinkedIn, and each month you will be qualified for a chance to win a prize.
Don't miss our latest podcast episode of VNET Radio featuring radio personality Allen Carpenter and our own Tom Guadagno. This month they discuss some of the most common questions about cybersecurity.

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