2 in 5 professionals stream music for 5+ hours a week!




The Golden Age Of Streaming?
It's easier than ever to stream the content you want, when you want it. Who's paying? What are they streaming?

Keep reading for exclusive Media & Entertainment insights from our panel of business professionals.

38% of professionals use paid music streaming services


More than half of high-income professionals who use music streaming services use them during the work day


Half of working parents who use streaming music services are using them more than before the pandemic.


1 in 5 professionals who pay for a music streaming service pay for multiple music streaming services


More than half of professionals who use a streaming music service use Spotify.



59% of professionals who use a paid streaming music service use Spotify.



Nearly 2 in 3 professionals who use social media engage in content. Nearly half share content.



8 in 10 high-income professionals use LinkedIn.



90% of professionals use Video Streaming Services with Netflix the most popular one.



High-income professionals are more likely to have 3+ paid video streaming services.



Half of professionals signed up for a video streaming service in the past year.



41% of professionals watch video streaming services 6+ hours per week.


2 in 3 Working Parents are watching streaming video more frequently than before the pandemic.


Video streaming services are mostly used in the evenings and on weekends.


When deciding to watch a TV show or a movie, half of professionals are influenced by OOH Media advertising.


56% of professionals binge watch television programs at least some of the time.


When movies are simultaneously released in movie theaters and at home, 3 in 4 movie viewers are most likely to watch at home.


60% of professionals viewing new movies at home, do so within 2 weeks of release.


Confidence in the overall business climate is rising year-over-year.

Business Confidence: How confident are you with the current state of your business? [Average score based on a 1-10 scale with 10 being the highest confidence]

Job Security: How confident do you feel about your job security? [Average score based on a 1-10 scale with 10 being the highest confidence]

Business climate: Do you feel the business climate is getting better? [Average score based on a 1-10 scale with 10 being “Getting Better”]


Confidence across finance, tech, and media professionals has increased year-over-year

Business climate: Do you feel the business climate is getting better? [Average score based on a 1-10 scale with 10 being “Getting Better”]












About Us


Captivate Office Pulse research offers marketers timely insights from a proprietary panel of business professionals, managed by our partners at Alida. The Office Pulse panel of more than 8,000 influential consumers and business decision makers includes C-level executives, millennials, middle management, small business owners, working women and working moms.


Contact Us

Kavita Chan
Research Director




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DECEMBER TRIVIA RESULTS: What was the first known automobile ad headline? [Dispense With A Horse, Upgrade To A Steel Steed, The Chariot Of The Future, This Is The Carriage] The correct answer is Dispense With A Horse!


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