2 in 5 professionals stream music for 5+ hours a week!




The Golden Age Of Streaming?
It's easier than ever to stream the content you want, when you want it. Who's paying? What are they streaming?

Keep reading for exclusive Media & Entertainment insights from our panel of business professionals.

38% of professionals use paid music streaming services

Data among Canadian respondents

More than half of high-income professionals who use music streaming services use them during the work day

Data among US and Canadian respondents
            Data among Canadian respondents

Half of working parents who use streaming music services are using them more than before the pandemic.

Data among US and Canadian respondents

1 in 5 professionals who pay for a music streaming service pay for multiple music streaming services

Data among US and Canadian respondents

Nearly half of professionals who use a streaming music service use Spotify.


Data among Canadian respondents

Nearly 3 in 4 professionals who use social media engage in content. 4 in 10 share content.


Data among Canadian respondents

3 in 4 professionals use LinkedIn.


Data among Canadian respondents

94% of professionals use Video Streaming Services with Netflix the most popular one.


Data among Canadian respondents

8 in 10 professionals have at least 1 paid video streaming service.


Data among Canadian respondents

Half of professionals signed up for a video streaming service in the past year.


Data among Canadian respondents

36% of professionals watch video streaming services 6+ hours per week.

Data among Canadian respondents

2 in 3 Working Parents are watching streaming video more frequently than before the pandemic.

Data among US and Canadian respondents

Video streaming services are mostly used in the evenings and on weekends.

Data among Canadian respondents

When deciding to watch a TV show or a movie, more than half of professionals are influenced by OOH Media advertising.

Data among Canadian respondents

54% of professionals binge watch television programs at least some of the time.

Data among Canadian respondents

When movies are simultaneously released in movie theaters and at home, 71% of movie viewers are most likely to watch at home.

Data among Canadian respondents

Half of professionals viewing new movies at home, do so within 2 weeks of release.

Data among Canadian respondents

Confidence in the overall business climate is rising year-over-year.

Business Confidence: How confident are you with the current state of your business? [Average score based on a 1-10 scale with 10 being the highest confidence]

Job Security: How confident do you feel about your job security? [Average score based on a 1-10 scale with 10 being the highest confidence]

Business climate: Do you feel the business climate is getting better? [Average score based on a 1-10 scale with 10 being “Getting Better”]

Data among US and Canadian respondents

Confidence across finance, tech, and media professionals has increased year-over-year

Business climate: Do you feel the business climate is getting better? [Average score based on a 1-10 scale with 10 being “Getting Better”]

Data among US and Canadian respondents











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Captivate Office Pulse research offers marketers timely insights from a proprietary panel of business professionals, managed by our partners at Alida. The Office Pulse panel of more than 8,000 influential consumers and business decision makers includes C-level executives, millennials, middle management, small business owners, working women and working moms.


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Kavita Chan
Research Director




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DECEMBER TRIVIA RESULTS: What was the first known automobile ad headline? [Dispense With A Horse, Upgrade To A Steel Steed, The Chariot Of The Future, This Is The Carriage] The correct answer is Dispense With A Horse!


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