4 in 5 professionals will take a vacation in less than 6 months!




Ready. Set. Travel!

Quarantining and isolation during the height of the pandemic fueled a demand to travel. Last minute bookings, long stays, multiple trips are all on the table. How are professionals traveling?  How much will they spend?  What are they looking to do on vacation?

Keep reading for exclusive insights on the travel industry from our panel of business professionals.

2 in 3 professionals taking leisure trips feel safe travelling domestically.


Data among Canadian respondents

2 in 3 professionals taking leisure trips feel comfortable staying at a hotel.


Data among Canadian respondents

The number of professionals wanting to travel more the last 12 months has increased 93%. 



Data among US and Canadian respondents

Nearly 9 in 10 high-income professionals will take their next vacation in less than 6 months.

Data among US and Canadian respondents

Nearly half of professionals will use online travel sites to book their next leisure trip.

Data among US and Canadian respondents

Half of professionals likely to use an online travel site for their next leisure trip are likely to book a flight only package.

Data among Canadian respondents

60% of professionals likely to take a vacation in the next year plan to spend 6+ days on vacation.

Data among Canadian respondents

In the next year, 6 in 10 professionals who intend to travel plan on taking multiple leisure trips.

Data among Canadian respondents

7 in 10 professionals who intend to take a vacation in the next 12 months will take an international vacation. 

Data among Canadian respondents

3 in 4 professionals who intend to take a vacation will do so to get away from home. Half will take a vacation to explore new destinations.

Data among US and Canadian respondents

1 in 3 professionals who intend to take a leisure trip will rent a vehicle on their next leisure trip.

Data among Canadian respondents

Sightseeing, going to the beach, and doing something active are the main activities professionals will do on vacations.

Data among Canadian respondents

Confidence in the overall business climate has risen year-over-year.

Business Confidence: How confident are you with the current state of your business? [Average score based on a 1-10 scale with 10 being the highest confidence]

Job Security: How confident do you feel about your job security? [Average score based on a 1-10 scale with 10 being the highest confidence]

Business climate: Do you feel the business climate is getting better? [Average score based on a 1-10 scale with 10 being “Getting Better”]


Confidence among finance, tech, and media professionals has increased year-over-year

Business climate: Do you feel the business climate is getting better? [Average score based on a 1-10 scale with 10 being “Getting Better”]















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Captivate Office Pulse research offers marketers timely insights from a proprietary panel of business professionals, managed by our partners at Alida. The Office Pulse panel of more than 8,000 influential consumers and business decision makers includes C-level executives, millennials, middle management, small business owners, working women and working moms.


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Kavita Chan
Research Director




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APRIL POLL RESULTS: What do you think is the next big alcohol trend?  [Hard Sodas = 70%, Non-Alcoholic Beer = 11%, Non-Alcoholic Spirits = 9%, Ready-to-Drink Cocktails = 9%]


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