What Stakeholders Need to Know

for the week of May 30, 2022 - June 5, 2022


Sarah Laturnus

Tourism Manager


I'm back from the Rendezvous Canada Travel Trade Show and it was a wonderful success! I am happy to be contributing to putting Brockville on the map world wide. If you would like to discuss in more detail how the conference went I'd be happy to do that with you!


Don't miss the enchanting HMCS Oriole/NCSM Oriole that arrived Monday at Blockhouse Island! Deck tours are happening again Tuesday 10am-4pm!


Over the next two weeks the Brockville Tourism Ambassadors will be going through their trainings and orientation days. I may reach out to you to see if we can come to your establishment for a briefing on your business!
Up Coming Brockville Events
Save the Dates
Industry News

As we work towards the recovery of tourism in Ontario, we would like to share some research insights to help support your recovery planning.  


Learn about consumer motivators and understand the behaviour of consumer segments that are planning to travel to/within Ontario. For the Ontario market, a summary of the characteristics of Ontario’s highest revenue-generating segments will be included.  

This information can help: 


  1. Identify motivators and understand the behaviours of consumer segments that are planning to travel to or within Ontario. 
  1. Identify vacation motivators (e.g., seeking a family vs. a couple’s retreat). 
  1. Identify barriers to Ontario travel and how to overcome them. 
  1. Inform advertising investment decisions when promoting Ontario tourism products. 


Join expert Nancy Dahl from Forum Research who will present the findings in three (3) different sessions, providing an in-depth look at the intentions of surveyed Ontario, Canada, and U.S travellers. To join more than one (1) session, you will have to register separately for each below

Nancy Dahl, Senior Research Director at Forum Research, brings over 30 years of marketing and market research experience across a variety of industries to the Tourism sector. Nancy’s wide-ranging experience in Tourism includes large-scale quantitative Travel Intentions and Motivations studies and qualitative studies across Canada, the U.S. and internationally.  


Destination Ontario Presents: 2022 Travel Intentions & Motivators Research  

Session 1: Ontario. Thursday June 16, 2022, 10am-11:15am, Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__DM_ACxgT5O27YmYnMCa6A 


Destination Ontario Presents: 2022 Travel Intentions & Motivators Research  

Session 2: Canada: BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Maritimes (NF, NS, NB & PEI). Thursday June 23, 2022, 10am-11:15am, Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RTySjvtBROC1JN15YbSCKA 


Destination Ontario Presents: 2022 Travel Intentions & Motivators Research  

Session 3: U.S.: California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois. Wednesday June 29, 2022, 10:00-11:15am, Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4QaxWtBLR2S1SdR-S64gpg 


Your confirmation will include a webinar link. A copy of the presentation and recording of the session will be shared with each registrant. 

We hope you can join us. 


Thank you, 

The Team at Destination Ontario 

RTO 9 has partnered with the Hospitality Workers Training Centre (HWTC), Keys Employment Services, and Career Edge, to help hospitality employers in the RTO 9 region staff up for summer.
On June 13, 14 & 16 HWTC will offer three free online training workshops for prospective South Eastern Ontario hospitality workers. These workshops will cover the important non-technical skills needed for success in hospitality, including soft skills training, customer service expectations, and workplace safety.
If you’d like to reach out to HWTC directly, please contact: Elie Saykali, Director of Employment Outcomes, at elie@hospitalitytrainingcentre.com 






Brockville Tourism Visitor Centre:
6 Broad Street, Brockville, ON
K6V 0C4 Canada
Phone: 613.342.4357 
Toll Free: 1.833.369.0620 Brockville Tourism 2022

6 Broad St • Brockville, Ontario K6V0C4 • Canada • Click here to unsubscribe.